Sunday, November 11, 2007

An RTS Nom. Just an excuse for a night out.

Well, we were through to the final round of the Royal Television Society Craft Awards for our work on 'Hyperdrive' Series Two.

That being Davey Jones, Mike Stringer and Mike Bates but really meaning everyone in the workkshop who worked so hard on the shoot. So a big thank you to them.

We didn't win on the night, but we had a good time.

Maybe Prosthetics are due a sep category though, seems a shame that there is so much decent work being done and the sector gets setup against the straight makeup & hair category every year.

Would be good to recognise workshop staff too, rather than the owners or designers who invariably show up.

In better news, Mike Stringer was accepted into BAFTA and get's his end of year supply of screeners.

All he has to do now is remember to watch them!