Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hybrid launch 'Hybrid Fx School' Prosthetic Makeup Effects Courses

Under the banner of a sister company, Hybrid are now proud to offer a series of Special Makeup Effects Courses targetted at all Industry Entrants and the more experienced, Professional Makeup Artists...

From the all encompassing 'Six Week Intensive Prosthetic Makeup' course to the three week long 'Character and Creature Creation'.

Additional weekend 'Advanced Silicone Prosthetic Application' courses will also be available, suitable for anyone looking to refine and polish their craft.

The website also has a secure, online payment system and a dedicated local rate telephone number for any questions and advice people may have and need.

Hybrid have award winning tutors that have over fifteen years experience in the Industry and who are all currently working on many well known shows and projects today.

Please visit to find out more.